Frequently Asked Questions
All your burning questions about The Cell, sorted.
We’re open 24/7 for you to work whenever suits your schedule, allowing you to book early mornings, late nights, or anything in between. With secure keypad entry for members, you can drop in at any time to focus, collaborate, or catch up on work in a comfortable and productive environment.
Walk-ins are always welcome! However, if you know when you’ll need a desk, we recommend registering & booking online in advance to guarantee your spot. Booking ahead ensures you have a seamless experience with a dedicated workspace ready when you arrive.
For all bookings, whether permanent or casual, we’ll send you an invoice with the payment information. All invoices can be paid via bank transfer or online card payment. For ongoing permanent memberships, invoices are issued at your preferred frequency.
Yes - perfect for client calls, team meetings, or brainstorming sessions. Meeting/Call rooms are included with any desk booking but can also be booked separately.
We offer a range of flexible options to suit your needs, including casual hot desks, permanent desks, and private offices. You can book any of these on a regular basis, with discounted rates available for longer-term bookings.
Yes! We have ultra high speed Wi-Fi, plus LAN connections for an extra boost when you need it.
While we don’t allow pets in the communal workspace, dogs are welcome with private office bookings. If you’re planning to bring your dog, just let us know in advance to ensure everything is ready to go.